Macclesfield Flyfishers Club

Club Competition

The Club holds an annual fishing competition at the start of June on Ridgegate Reservoir. This is primarily intended as a bit of fun/social event for the club members. The competition is run over two hours, and the heaviest fish on the night wins.

The 2024 event was contested by 13 Club members, and was won by John Brison with a fish of 3lb 1oz. The runner up was  Peter Whithead with a fish of 1lb 13oz.

Year Winner
2005 Leslie Walker
George Renard
2007 Leslie Walker
2008 John Brison
2009 David Harrop
2010 David Holden
2011 Joint Winners - Alan Featherstone & Paul Smart
2012 Leslie Walker
2013 Ray Field
2014 Tony Birchall
2015 Alan Featherstone
2016 Alan Featherstone
2017 Mike Fennell
2018 Joint Winners - Andrew Stainthorp & Mike Fennell
2019 Alan Featherstone
2020 No Competition - Covid
2021 Mike Fennell
2022 Simon Barber
2023 John Brison
2024 John Brison

Club champion John Brison being presented with the trophy by Chairman Dave Holden.

John Brison with the competition winning fish.